Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "СуперАгро"
Шевцов Александр Анатольевич,Дранников Алексей Викторович,Дерканосова Анна Александровна
A method for controlling the process of obtaining granular forms of choline chloride, based on dry sugar beet pulp, comprising the use of solid sugar beet pulp as an active adsorbent mixing with the preheated aqueous choline chloride, drying, feed spent desiccant for heating the choline chloride before feeding it to mixing, the preparation of heating steam in the steam generator with electric heating elements, feed pump and a safety valve control costs podogretog of aqueous choline chloride being input to the mixing and dry sugar beet pulp after fractionation, as well as control of temperature and flow rate of the drying agent in the dryer on the current humidity and a mixture flow rate of dry sugar beet pulp and an aqueous solution of choline chloride, characterized in that the pressed beet pulp is preheated in the heating chamber, and then drying is carried out in its vibrosushilke atmospheric pressure superheated steam, the superheated exhaust steam from the fed first into vibrosushilki cyclo n-cleaner for cleaning the fine fraction which was combined with dry zhomom and then purified exhaust superheated steam is separated into two streams, one of which in an amount of evaporated moisture from the pulp, is fed into the heater where it is condensation and air heating through partition wall heater, and the other - fed blower superheater for superheating the heating steam produced in the steam generator, and more in vibrosushilku to form a recirculation loop wherein the heating steam condensate after nСпособ управления процессом получения сыпучей формы холинхлорида на основе сухого свекловичного жома, предусматривающий использование сухого свекловичного жома в качестве активного адсорбента, смешивание его с предварительно подогретым водным раствором холинхлорида, сушку, подачу отработанного сушильного агента на подогрев холинхлорида перед подачей его на смешивание, получение греющего пара в парогенераторе с электронагревательными элементами, питательным насосом и пр