A manufacture of a microbial- pesticide, comprises a fishy residue processing step, and a fermentative step. In the fishy residue processing step, a blending method is used to mix a fishy residue with a deionized water for obtaining a basal material of fishy residue. In the fermentative step, a kurthia gibosnii is stired and well mixed with the basal material of fishy residue for fermentative culture. After the fermentative step, a fermentative solution is obtained and put in the microbioal-pesticide use.一種微生物農藥的製備方法,其步驟包含:一魚類廢棄物前處理步驟,使用一均質方式將一魚類廢棄物與一純水混合攪拌,以獲得一魚類廢棄物之基礎材料;及一醱酵培養步驟,將一庫特氏菌屬之菌體kurthia gibosnii與該魚類廢棄物基礎材料攪拌混合均勻並進行醱酵培養,以獲得一醱酵液作為微生物農藥用。