The present invention provides an artificialcerebrospinal fluid containing 120 to 160 mEq/L of sodiumion, 1 to 6 mEq/L of potassium ion, 75 to 155 mEq/L ofchloride ion, and 5 to 45 mEq/L of bicarbonate ion, andprovides an artificial cerebrospinal fluid furthercontaining at least one component selected from the groupconsisting of 10 g/L or less of a reducing sugar, 5 mmol/Lor less of phosphoric acid, 5 mEq/L or less of calcium ion,and 5 mEq/L or less of magnesium ion. The artificialcerebrospinal fluid of the present invention can preventor reduce the incidence of cerebral edema and can furthersuppress brain cell disorders when used as an irrigationfluid or perfusion fluid in the field of neurosurgery,such as intracranial surgery, or when used as areplenishing fluid for lost cerebrospinal fluid.