Let has main bedstead, fluctuating bedstead, Side tilting tables frame and pats bedstead Shang this Chong Zuo Department You Off Yu mono- Seed Nursing reasons Bing Chuan structures Department Yu Chuan Body, wherein, the Move that the main Chuan Jia Department Ke Association of The help sufferer to lie low or sit up makees, the Shou Li Dot And As sufferers at fluctuating Chuan Jia The Ke Change Change sufferers back massage back again, to prevent cotton-padded mattress Sore Hair raw, another Side tilting table Jia The can the Help turn Move works that help sufferer to do 0 degree to 90 degree, suffer from Jin row Change Drug and clear Jie with sharp As diseases and move and wait operations, Complex helps sufferer expectoration using beating bedstead with Da to Association and improves the benefits persons such as constipation.本創作係有關於一種護理病床結構,係於床體上設有主床架、起伏床架、側翻床架及拍打床架,其中,該主床架係可協助病患做平躺或坐起的動作,又起伏床架則可變換病患背部之受力點,並為病患按摩背部,以防止褥瘡發生,另側翻床架則可幫助病患做0度至90度的翻身動作,以利為病患進行換藥及清潔和搬移等作業,復利用拍打床架以達到協助病患排痰及改善便秘等效益者。