Фонд Сальваторе Мауджери Клиника Труда и Реабилитации (IT);Закрытое акционерное общество "Институт прикладной нанотехнологии" (RU);СИБ Лэборетрис Лимитед (MT)
Мауджери Умберто Орацио Джузеппе (IT),Беклемышев Вячеслав Иванович (RU),Махонин Игорь Иванович (RU),Абрамян Ара Аршавирович (RU),Солодовников Владимир Александрович (RU),Филиппов Константин Витальевич
1. A composition that mimics the intraarticular fluid containing a 15% aqueous solution of medium molecular weight polyvinylpyrrolidone, the solution containing (0.5-1.5) · 10-3 wt.% Additives with antimicrobial properties based on silver-modified silicon nanoparticles, when the size of the nanoparticles is 10-40 nm and the amount of silver in the additive is 0.8-1.1 wt.%. ! 2. A composition that mimics the intra-articular fluid according to claim 1, characterized in that the composition further comprises 0.05-2.5% solution of hyaluronic acid sodium salt in deionized water at a weight ratio: polyvinylpyrrolidone solution: hyaluronic acid sodium salt solution, as 1 : (0.2-0.3). ! 3. A composition that simulates the intraarticular fluid according to claim 2, characterized in that the sodium salt of hyaluronic acid obtained by biological fermentation with a molecular weight of 0.5-1.8 MDa is used. ! 4. A composition that mimics the intraarticular fluid according to claim 1, characterized in that a 15% aqueous solution of polyvinylpyrrolidone with a molecular weight of 35,000 ± 5,000 Da is used. ! 5. The method of producing additives for the composition, which consists in obtaining silicon nanoparticles with a size of 10-40 nm by laser pyrolysis of monosilane (SiH4), while the surface of silicon nanoparticles is modified by processing them in a 2-5% solution of silver nitrate in deionized water at weight ratio: solution: nanoparticles, as 1: 0.02, followed by centrifugation of the solution, repeated washing of the precipitate in deionized water with centrifugation at each washing stage. ! 6. The method according to claim 5, characterized in that the multiple washing of the precipitate in deionized water is carried out at an initial specific water resistance of at least 10 MOhm · cm and until reaching e1. Состав, имитирующий внутрисуставную жидкость, содержащий 15%-й водный раствор среднемолекулярного поливинилпирролидона, при этом раствор содержит (0,5-1,5)·10-3 мас.% д