The present invention relates to X-ray imaging. In order to provide a facilitated and space-saving X-ray imaging apparatus, an imaging arrangement (10) for X-ray imaging is provided that comprises a lower movable support arrangement (12) movably holding an X-ray source (14), and an upper movable support arrangement (16) movably holding an X-ray detector (18). The lower movable support arrangement is configured to be mounted to a floor (20), and the upper movable support arrangement is configured to be mounted to a ceiling (22). The lower movable support arrangement comprises a lower boom (24) rotatably attached to a lower base (26). The lower boom comprises two rotatably connected lower arms (28), and the lower base is rotatable around a vertical axis (30). The upper movable support arrangement comprises an upper boom (32) rotatably attached to an upper base (34). The upper boom comprises two rotatably connected upper arms (36). The rotation axes of the lower boom are arranged horizontally, and the rotation axes of the upper boom are arranged vertically.