An implant (10) for anchoring on a bone (1) has a plurality of anchoring pins (20) which extend away from a fastening side of the implant and are provided for anchoring the implant in the bone. In different areas of the fastening side of the implant, the pin arrangement and/or the geometry of the pins are chosen differently. In particular, in different areas of the fastening side of the implant, the volume of the anchoring pins (20) per unit of surface area of the fastening side of the implant is different, preferably in such a way that the geometry and/or arrangement of the pins (20) is chosen according to the proportion of bone tissue in the total tissue of the bone substance, opposite which the area of the fastening side is provided, in such a way that, in areas where there is a relatively higher proportion of bone tissue as a whole, less tissue is displaced by the anchoring pins than in areas where there is a relatively smaller proportion of bone tissue.