A polymeric material comprised of (i) at least one random copolymer comprised of ethylene oxide and one or more other alkylene oxide(s) and (ii) at least one non-random polymer comprised of one or more poly(alkylene oxide)s has been discovered. Preferably, it is a polymer alloy. Alkylene oxide homopolymers or block copolymers may be the non-random polymer. In a related discovery, an adhesive material can be made by suspending (a) particles in (b) a matrix of at least one poly(ethylene oxide) copolymer of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide, or a combination thereof. The handling characteristics may be adjusted for different utilities (e.g., from runny oil to hard wax). Applications include use as adhesive, cohesive, filler, lubricant, surfactant, or any combination thereof. In particular, the hard materials may be used for cleaning or waxing.發現一種聚合物料,該聚合物料包含(i)至少一種包含環氧乙烷以及一或多其它環氧烷類之無規共聚物以及(ii)至少一種包含一或多種聚(環氧烷類)如非無規共聚物。較佳為攙合聚合物(polymer alloy)。環氧烷均聚物或環氧烷嵌段共物可為非無規聚合物。於一種相關發現,經由懸浮(a)粒子於(b)至少一種環氧乙烷與環氧丙烷之聚(環氧乙烷)共聚物之基體或其組合,可製備一種黏著劑物料。可對不同用途(例如由流動性油至硬脂蠟)調整操控特性。應用用途包括用作為黏結劑、聚結劑、填充劑、潤滑劑、界面活性劑或其任一種組合。特別硬質物料可用於清潔或打蠟。