A device for cutting an alveolar ridge are applied to cut the alveolar ridge to form a dental implant hole approaching to a maxillary mucous membrane, so as to execute a dental implant operation. The device comprises a cutting assembly and a connection assembly. The cutting assembly has a grinding surface for grinding and cutting the alveolar ridge, and the grinding surface is formed with a main fluid outlet. The connection assembly comprises a driving member and a fluid passage. When the driving member drives the cutting assembly to cut the alveolar ridge to form the dental implant hole approaching to a maxillary mucous membrane, the fluid fluxed from the fluid passage sprays out through the main fluid outlet to make the maxillary mucous membrane be separated from the alveolar ridge, so as to form a bone-filling space for executing the dental implant operation.一種齒槽骨切削裝置,係用以將齒槽骨切削出一植牙(Dental Implant)孔,使植牙孔鄰接於一上顎竇黏膜,以供進行一植牙手術。切削裝置包含一切削組件與一連結組件。切削組件具有一用以研磨切削齒槽骨之研磨切削端面,且在研磨切削端面係開設一主流體流出口。連結組件包含一切削驅動元件與一流體通道。當切削驅動元件驅動切削組件研磨切削出植牙孔,使植牙孔鄰接於上顎竇黏膜時,自流體通道經由主流體流出口噴出之一流體,係使上顎竇黏膜自植牙孔處與齒槽骨分離,藉以形成一供進行植牙手術之填骨空間。1‧‧‧上顎竇結構11‧‧‧口腔黏膜組織12‧‧‧齒槽骨121‧‧‧下皮質骨層122‧‧‧海棉骨層123‧‧‧上皮質骨層13‧‧‧上顎竇黏膜3‧‧‧齒槽骨切削裝置32‧‧‧連結組件321‧‧‧切削驅動元件322‧‧‧流體通道34‧‧‧傳動桿35‧‧‧切削組件351‧‧‧切削部3511‧‧‧輔助流體流出口352‧‧‧研磨部3521‧‧‧研磨切削端面3522‧‧‧主流體流出口CE1‧‧‧切削溝槽F‧‧‧流體FS‧‧‧填骨空間I1‧‧‧旋轉方向I2‧‧‧切削方向