Obshchestvo s ogranichennoj otvetstvennostyu "Detstvo"
Palchikova Lyubov Albertovna,Пальчикова Любовь Альбертовна,Maslennikova Larisa Aleksandrovna,Масленникова Лариса Александровна
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to therapy and physiotherapy, and can be used to treat patients with metabolic syndrome. Preliminary tests are carried out by the vegetative resonance test method after finding the reproducible measurement point using the organ preparation “Adipose tissue”. In this case, all parameters of the metabolism are tested consecutively and in inversion, selecting the parameters characteristic for the optimal reduction of the fat tissue volume in this patient. They select an individual food complex that reduces the volume of adipose tissue, including in the first month in the diet products with a glycemic index of less than 40, in the second and subsequent months – products with a higher glycemic index. Next, a general air cryotherapy (OCT) is carried out in combination with individually selected nutrition and drug therapy. In this case, OCT is carried out at a temperature of -120 °C to -190 °C by subtotal immersion of the patient in an open loop cryocamera with an exposure of 1 to 3 minutes. In addition, in 5–10 minutes after the patient leaves the cryocamera, local cryotherapy of the skin is performed in the area of the cervical-collar zone, the anterior abdominal wall and cellulite-altered skin. In this case, the effect is carried out by a dry air jet at a temperature of -170 °C at the outlet of the device nozzle or contact equipment before the appearance of a white ischemic spot, carrying out a smooth management of the ischemic spot on the surface of the skin. Course of treatment includes 14 to 30 procedures.EFFECT: method ensures increase in effectiveness of treatment due to the pronounced effect on the main links of the regulation of the trigger mechanism of the metabolic syndrome, and, as a consequence, on its main symptoms and manifestations, namely abdominal-visceral obesity, insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, dyslipidemia, arterial hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance, early atherosclerosis,