1. A method for analysis of physical activity, comprising joining auxiliary electronic device comprising various sensors for user activation of sensors, generating physiological data associated with changes in the physiological state of the user during the activity analysis of the recorded information by comparison, characterized in that the sensor readings are synchronized with the smartphone and recorded on a smartphone templates corresponding activities more smart phone user starts the analysis procedure begins group event relating to the performance of certain activities Information from the sensors, through a smart phone, is continuously supplied to the server where the information is compared with a library of templates activities the analysis results supplied to the smart phone, which is formed on the screen graphic picture, both qualitatively and quantitatively reflects the degree of participation of each user with sensors in the group meropriyatii.2. A method of analysis of physical activity of the person according to Claim. 1, characterized in that the recording pattern of activity can participate as sensors directly associated with movement, such as accelerometer and a gyroscope, and the sensors associated with the context of the event, for example, sensors of illumination and sensor pulsa.3. . The method of analysis physical activity according to claim 1, characterized in that users with a computer system configuration independently determine the composition of sensors, information from which is involved in the activity of a recording pattern 4. A method of analysis of human physical activity according to claim. 1, characterized in that the users using the setting computer1. Способ анализа физической активности человека, включающий присоединение автономного электронного устройства, содержащее различные датчики, к пользователю, активация датчиков, генерация физиологических данных, связанных с изменением физиологического состояния пользователя во время акт