Aqueous solution suitable for the chemical sterilization of packaging materials, comprising hydrogen peroxide and at least one foodstuff-compatible stabilizer. This solution but without the stabilizer has a maximum phosphorous content expressed as PO43-of 10 mg/kg, and presents a dry residue at 105 ℃ of at most 10 mg/kg. The same solution can be used as dip bath liquid in dip bath aseptic packaging processes and as well as spraying liquid in spray aseptic packaging processes.適供包裝材料之化學消毒用之水溶液,其包含過氧化氫與至少一種食料相容性安定劑。沒有安定劑的此溶液有以PO43-表示為10毫克/仟克的最大磷含量,且呈現出最多為10毫克/仟克的在105℃下之乾燥殘餘物。彼溶液可用為浸浴液體用於浸浴無菌包裝程序中以及用為噴霧液體用在噴霧無菌包裝程序中。