Индивидуальный предприниматель Михайлов Олег Ростиславович (RU)
Уваров Николай Александрович (RU),Михайлов Олег Ростиславович (RU),Виноградов Валентин Антонович (RU),Головлев Михаил Геннадьевич (RU)
1. Haloinhaler including a housing with an internal cavity, a duct for supplying air and a mouthpiece for supplying salt aerosol, characterized in that the electric motor has been entered, a mixer, a power supply switch button electric motor, the associated valve and a protective cap to protect the power button motor in the idle state, the housing is provided with a sealed compartment for the placement of a power source for the motor electric power by pressing the power button and the chamber for accommodation of silica gel, n erekrytoy filter gasket and associated with the side air ducts from the atmosphere, the mixer is shaped bowl into which backfilled pharmacopoeial salt thereof, and is rotatably supported by the electric motor for stirring and grinding pharmacopeia salts mouthpiece is detachably mounted on the housing and connected to the duct and the valve is arranged to overlap in the inoperative air channels for supplying salt aerosol connecting inner body cavity to the duct and the mouthpiece, and Access the overlap of these channels and the channels connecting the chamber to the silica gel with saline chamber, in working condition when pressed knopke.2. Haloinhaler claim. 1, characterized in that the housing, the mouthpiece and the cap are made of polyurethane or ABS plastic plastika.3. Haloinhaler claim. 1, characterized in that the filter mat is designed as a fine-mesh breathable setki.4. Haloinhaler claim. 1, characterized in that the salt pharmacopoeial backfilled into the tapered bowl in an amount of 0.5-2 g, preferably in an amount of 1.0 D.5. Haloinhaler claim. 1, characterized1. Галоингалятор, включающий корпус с внутренней полостью, воздуховод для подачи воздуха и мундштук для подачи солевого аэрозоля, отличающийся тем, что в него введены электромотор, миксер, источник электропитания, кнопка включения электромотора, связанная с ней задвижка и защитный колпачок для защиты кнопки включения электромотора в нерабочем состоянии, при этом корпус снабжен