A computer-implemented method for reducing undesired crosstalksignals on an inactive channel of a device comprising the stepsof: (i) determining system volume levels required to achieve arange of desired audio output attenuation levels on an activechannel of the device; (ii) determining a crosstalk compensationsignal comprising a signal amplitude and associated phase shiftrequired to reduce undesired crosstalk on the inactive channelof the device for each desired audio output attention level inthe range of desired audio output attenuation levels; and (iii)generating a desired audio output attenuation level on theactive channel of the device by generating a signal at thedetermined system volume level required to achieve said desiredaudio output attenuation level, and generating a contemporaneouscrosstalk compensation signal on the inactive channel of thedevice by generating a signal at the determined signal amplitudeand associated phase shift required to reduce the undesiredcrosstalk on the inactive channel.