FIELD: agriculture; machine building.SUBSTANCE: reclamation flat-deep cultivator-fertilizer includes wedge-shaped stands, fertilizer pipes mounted on their rear parts, and plowshares installed in their lower parts installed in rails of posts. Vertical disk knives with diameter providing vertical cutting of the bed to the processing depth are installed in front of posts. Knife is installed on the post fixed on a trapezoidal frame, having a hitch device. On the frame there mounted is the first reduction gear connected by the cardan gearing with the power take-off shaft of the unitizing tractor, which is further connected by V-belt transmission to the shaft of the high-pressure fan, having a pressure branch pipe connected to the pressure air duct, in the side wall of which the coil mulching devices are mounted and coupled with the fertilizer bin. Mock-fertilizer devices drive is made from the second reduction gear and bevel gears connected to the high-pressure fan shaft. In the lower part of the wedge-shaped stand there is a lug flat-cutting blade, in the front part of which a ripper tooth is provided to prevent the formation of the plow foot. Fusel flat hoes are arranged in two rows. Second row articulated grips are arranged with overlapping 50…70 mm to prevent formation of unprocessed areas.EFFECT: creation of optimum conditions for growth and development of cultivated plants, increase of crop capacity and reduction of power consumption.1 cl, 2 dwgИзобретение относится к области сельскохозяйственного машиностроения. Мелиоративный плоскорез-глубокорыхлитель-удобритель содержит клинообразные стойки, смонтированные на их задних частях тукопроводы, в нижних частях - лемеха, установленные в створах стоек. Перед стойками установлены вертикальные дисковые ножи с диаметром, обеспечивающим резание пласта на глубину обработки. Нож установлен на стойке, закрепленной на трапецеидальной раме, имеющей навесное устройство. На раме смонтированы: соединенный карданной передачей с вал