Scope of application: The invention relates to medicine, namely, to the devices for the prevention and treatment of respiratory disorders during sleep, combined with the absence of a violation of nasal breathing. Summary of the utility model: The unit consists of 2 acrylic trays 1, 2 worn on the upper and lower jaw. The device pushes the lower jaw forward relative to the top of the therapeutic position, facilitating the passage of air through the respiratory tract. The mandibular kappa both sides in the area corresponding to the first molars on the buccal side are made identical vertical projections 3. Kappa 1 maxillary right and left on the vestibular side in the region between the first and second pushers are movably secured molars 5. The pushers 5 are in the form of the projections 6, directed towards mandibular tray 2. The protrusions 3 and 6 adjacent to the buccal side surface aligned opposite mouthguards. Distal sides 4 and 7, the medial side of the projections 3, 6 are respectively formed at an angle of 70-75 ° to the occlusal plane of the trays 1, 2 and in the operating position are firmly pressed together. The lower 3 and upper ridges 6 do not overlap the border of the vestibular surface of the respective trays 1 and 2. The boundary of the mandibular tray 2 with the lingual surface is below the necks of teeth, and palatal maxillary boundary mouthguard 1 overlaps the transverse folds and extends above the necks of teeth. The technical result: easier to use, increased physiological, comfort, longer life. 1 bp f-ly 1 Fig.Область использования: полезная модель относится к медицине, а именно, к устройствам для предупреждения и лечения расстройств дыхания во время сна в сочетании при отсутствии нарушения носового дыхания. Сущность полезной модели: аппарат состоит из 2-х акриловых капп 1, 2 надеваемых на верхнюю и нижнюю челюсти. Аппарат выдвигает нижнюю челюсть вперед относительно верхней на терапевтическую позицию, облегчая прохождение воздуха через дыхательные