Вторый Валерий Федорович (RU),Вторый Сергей Валерьевич (RU)
The invention relates to agriculture, namely to technology content and maintenance of cows, more specifically, to the design parameters of control devices and modes of operation of machines and equipment farm milk production, and can be used on dairy farms of cattle with different ways of content and livestock animals.Apparatus for monitoring parameters and modes of operation of machines and farm equipment for the production of milk contains a device for identifying an individual animal of the cattle group, the computer program, the apparatus for feeding, milking system, which is controlled by the computer. The system of manure utilization, microclimate, resourcing farm, quality control of products set further sensors whose signals are applied to the inputs of its multichannel digital gauges, exits the latter are connected via a data collection unit, to the input of a farm computer, to the second input of which a signal from the recorder visual inspection coupled with video cameras, ustanovlennmi on the farm, the farm computer via a wired or wireless link is connected to the users computer.The utility model can improve the conditions of detention and maintenance of cows, to ensure high reliability of the machines and equipment, quality of machine-technological processes and operations while reducing the cost of resources and provide high-quality milk.N-1 f ly. 1 Fig.Полезная модель относится к сельскому хозяйству, а именно к технологиям содержания и обслуживания коров, более конкретно, к конструкции устройств контроля параметров и режимов работы машин и оборудования ферм по производству молока, и может быть использована на молочных фермах крупного рогатого скота с различными способами содержания и поголовьем животных.Устройство для контроля параметров и режимов работы машин и оборудования ферм по производству молока содержит устройство для идентификации отдельного животного из группы скота, компьютер с программой, устройство для кормления, систему доения, которая ко