Alan M. Kinnersley,Frank J. Turano,Kathleen A. Turano,Peter S. Carlson
"method for biosynthesis of taurine or hypotaurin in cells". The present invention describes an approach for increasing taurine or hypotaurin production in prokaryotes or eukaryotes. more particularly, the invention relates to the genetic transformation of organisms with genes encoding proteins that catalyze the conversion of cysteine to taurine, methionlin to taurine, cysteamine to taurine or alanine to taurine. The invention describes methods for the use of polynucleotides encoding the functional cysteine dioxigenase (cdo), cysteine dioxigenase (cdo) and sulfinoalanine decarboxylase (sad) or glutamate decarboxylase (gad), cysteamine dioxigenase (ado), taurine pyruvate aminotransferase (taurine) ), tpat and sulfoacetaldehyde acetyltransferase (sa), taurine dioxigenase (tdo) or the small (sstdehase) and large subunits of taurine dehydrogenase (istdehase) in plants to increase the production of taurine, hypotaurine or taurine precursor. The preferred embodiment of the invention is in plants, but other organisms may be used. Increased taurine production in plants will increase plant growth and development, reduction or tolerance to biotic and / or abiotic stresses and could be used as nutraceutical, pharmaceutical or therapeutic compounds or as a supplement in animal feed."método para a biossíntese de taurina ou hipotaurina em células". a presente invenção descreve uma abordagem para aumentar a produção de taurina ou hipotaurina em procariontes ou eucariontes. mais particularmente, a invenção refere-se à transformação genética de organismos com genes que codificam proteínas que catalisam a conversão de cisteína em taurina, metionlina em taurina, cisteamina em taurina ou alanina em taurina. a invenção descreve métodos para o suo de polinucleotídeos que codificam os polipeptídeos cisteína dioxigenase funcional (cdo), cisteína dioxigenase (cdo) e sulfinoalanina descarboxilase (sad) ou glutamato descarboxilase (gad), cisteamina dioxigenase (ado), taurina-piruvato aminotra