The invention relates to a greenhouse which is energy-independent due to its electric power production from renewable sources. According to the invention, the greenhouse comprises an enclosure (3) wherein atmospheric air enters through an intake valve (10), at the outside pressure and temperature conditions, where, due to the higher temperature inside the greenhouse (1), the air in the enclosure (3) is heated by heat transfer, through a ceiling (2) and, as a consequence of its heating, the air pressure increases, when, in order to adjust the pressure inside the enclosure (3) to the outside pressure level, the air gets out through the zone of a generator (4) which is put into motion and produces electric current which is then transformed by a transformer (5) up to the parameters required for charging a battery (6), while another transformer (7) brings the electric current to the parameters required by some users (9), all the said operations, as well as the functioning of the greenhouse (1) being monitored by a control and monitoring unit (8), the ventilation of the greenhouse (1) being performed using ventilation installations (11) which bring a useful hot air amount during operation, thereby increasing the electric current yield.Invenţia se referă la o seră independentă datorită producţiei de energie electrică din surse regenerabile. Sera conform invenţiei are în componenţă o incintă (3) în care pătrunde aer atmosferic printr-o supapă (10) de admisie, la condiţiile de presiune şi temperatură din exterior, datorită temperaturii mai mari din seră (1), aerul din incintă (3) se încălzeşte prin transfer termic printr-un plafon (2) şi, încălzindu-se, îşi măreşte presiunea, iar pentru a se regla presiunea din incintă (3) cu cea din exterior, aerul iese prin zona unui generator (4) care este pus în mişcare şi produce curent electric, acesta este transformat de un transformator (5) la parametrii necesari încărcării unei baterii (6), un transformator (7) aduce curentul electr