1. A recombinant virus-like particle, comprising one or more capsid proteins or the capsid precursor protein, is 3 or more surface proteins from cytomegalovirus (CMV), and optionally one or more tegumentnyh belkov.2. Recombinant virus-like particle according to Claim. 1, characterized in that it comprises one or more capsid proteins or the capsid precursor protein, 5 or more surface proteins from cytomegalovirus (CMV), and optionally one or more tegumentnyh belkov.3. Recombinant virus-like particle according to Claim. 1 or 2, characterized in that it comprises one or more capsid proteins from the herpes virus and one or more tegumentnyh proteins from human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) .4. Recombinant virus-like particle according to Claim. 1 or 2, characterized in that it comprises one or more of the capsid protein or capsid proteins from retrovirusa.5 precursor. Recombinant virus-like particle according to Claim. 1 or 2, characterized in that it comprises one or more capsid proteins of herpes virus, is 3 or more surface proteins of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), and optionally one or more tegumentnyh proteins from human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) .6. Recombinant virus-like particle of claim. 3, wherein the herpesvirus is human tsitomegalovirus.7. Recombinant virus-like particle of claim. 4, wherein the one or more capsid proteins or the capsid precursor protein of a retrovirus gag.8. Recombinant virus-like particle of claim. 7, wherein the cytomegalovirus protein is selected from the group consisting of gpUL75 (gH), gpUL115 (gL), gpUL55 (gB), gpUL74 (gO), gpUL100 (gM), gpUL73 (gN), gpUL128, gpUL130 and gpUL131A.9. Recombinant virus-like particle of claim. 7, characterized in that tegumentnye1. Рекомбинантная вирусоподобная частица, содержащая один или более капсидных белков или белков предшественника капсида, 3 или более поверхностных белков из цитомегаловируса (CMV), и, необязательно, один или более тегументных белков.2. Рекомбинантная вирусоподобная частица по п. 1, отличаю