This Chong Zuo Department mono- Seed Ge Cao Machine Dao Rope structures improve, the espespecially Gai Liang Let Meter that Ti has Gong Yi Machine tools formula Ge Cao Machine Shi Rope Suo System Dao Rope, its main Will Dao Rope Ju Let is formed by Buddhist nun Long Cai Quality Yi Mo System, Gang Strongization , Indeed Bao Gao Turn speed mowing Shi Times of the center one gold medal Genus Line Body , of cladding Gong Da Dao Dao Rope Ju structures, by Ying Quality Wu Jian Time, Hui Broken Lie Fly do not project that , Indeed protect Ge Cao Machine tool mowing Shi Yong Time , Dao Rope tool Shi structures Gang and purpose is substantially improved in Real safeties.本創作係一種割草機刀繩結構改良,尤指提供一機械式割草機使用的繩索製刀繩具的改良設計,其主要將刀繩具設由尼龍材質依模製成型,中央包覆一金屬線體,供達到刀繩具結構的剛性強化,確保高轉速割草使用時,受到硬質物件時,不會斷裂飛射出,確保割草機具割草使用時,刀繩具使用結構剛性及實用安全性的大幅提升目的。