1. Pyrazol Quine is described in this report, which is characterized by aril orto replace amino, isocyclopropylene-o c832383318327cyclo, with 1 arilo, o-c833228333, 183278327cyclo, a anthrax in place of molecular skeleton 3; The compounds in this module are quina protein activity and therefore contribute to the treatment of diseases caused by uncoupling quina protein activity, especially Mps1 / TTK. This document also provides methods for processing these compounds, including their pharmaceutical components,And a method for treating diseases using drug synthesis including these compounds 1. Claim 1: a compound with formula characteristics (1),e. R1 is an orthogonal arilo group - alternative or heterocyclic bicycles or c83238331832783278cycloquilo group; R2 is a hydrogen atom or c8332121 group, c8331838326alquenilo, c832833183318383832326 tar, c83323238331833183832326 cycloquinolo; or isomeric hetero electrolysis or isooxygenate group; or isomeric isoelectrolytic atom; hydrogen, a. Hydroxyl group or c83216c831832626 tar group, and its component can be recycled with one atom which may represent R3 in the group;a. In this cycle, the orthogonal substitution, arilo and isoprene groups are c8332409 and r8310cm, respectively; e. In addition, c832, 832, 383, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283;There are also acceptable effectsLa presente se refiere a pirazolo-quinazolinas, caracterizadas por un residuo aril-orto-sustituido-amino, heterociclilamino- o C₃₋₇ cicloalquilamino en la posición 8, y un arilo, heterociclilo o C₃₋₇ cicloalquilo como sustituyente de una carboxamida en la posición 3 del esqueleto de la molécula. Los compuestos de esta modulan la actividad de las proteína quinasas, y por lo tanto son útiles para tratar enfermedades causadas por una actividad de proteína quinasa desregulada, en particular MPS1 / TTK. La presente también pro