Hundreds of premature babies are infected in incubators due to poor circulation of air, so open baby warmers are preferred .they do not cause infection to the premature babies .Existing baby warmers are controlled by microcontrollers they are programmed to heat the body of the baby, when the body temperature increases the heating system switched off. In the Intelligent baby warmers uses Artificial intelligence for controlling the body temperature of the premature babies. Maintaining the body temperature of the baby is important because a change in ± 1° C is fatal to the baby The body temperature of the premature baby is maintained at 36-36.5° C. The Intelligent baby warmer uses several sensors and artificial intelligence to control the baby warmer. Moreover the baby warmer is coated with noncorrosive paints to prevent rusting. . OBJECTIVE The objective of this project is to develop an Intelligent baby warmer taking into account various drawbacks in the existing baby warmers giving intelligence to the system and corrosion resistant Baby Warmer body.