Accommodative intraocular lens comprising an optic part (1), which in turn comprises at least one incurving notch (3) and a peripheral edge of the optic (2); a haptic part (8), which in turn comprises at least one central branch (9), one lateral branch (10) and one angular branch of the haptic (11); an incomplete incurving ring (6) that in turn comprises at least one angled branch of the ring (17); an incurving tab (5); and means for sliding and/or stopping and/or amplifying the moving parts. The new accommodative intraocular lens accommodates in near vision by a posteroanterior displacement of the optic, changes in its curvature and changes in its thickness. The design of the incomplete incurving ring allows keeping the capsular bag open and tense to allow a greater displacement of the optic, and the incurving tabs (5) provide a greater accommodation power by curving the optic and increasing its thickness.