< Topic >As portion of organism organization is incised, as sharpness of the knife for exfoliation which, is exfoliated is guaranteed the is prevented ardently to thickness direction.SolutionsThe shank section the handle 7 which keeps 5 which is continued in the plate shaped blade section 3 which formed cutting blade section 1 in the margin and blade section 3 and shank section 5 in one body and, it possesses the knife A for exfoliation, blade section 3 continues and, the cutting blade section 1 which was formed to the point and cutting blade section 1 is formed with surface 3b of the board which forms blade section 3 and is constituted by with the slideway 2 which contacts with the surface 13 of the organization which the remaining position is done.【課題】生体組織の一部を切開すると共に剥離する剥離用ナイフの切れ味を確保すると共に厚さ方向への切込を防ぐ。【解決手段】剥離用ナイフAは、周縁に切刃部1を形成した板状の刃部3と、刃部3に連続したシャンク部5と、シャンク部5を一体的に保持した柄7と、を有し、刃部3が、先端に形成された切刃部1と、切刃部1と連続して刃部3を構成する板の表面3bとの間に形成され残置された組織の表面13と接触する案内面2とによって構成される。