clothing acting as supplement therapy dressing in dermatological diseases, made of woven fabric or knitted fabric from natural fibres, finished without the participation of chemical substances harmful to human health, containing microspheres with soluble polymer in contact with the body man, filled with an active substancelocated in kompatybilnie in terms of location on the human body lesions, characterised by the fact that constitutes her clothing spersonalizowana in a tier wise manner in terms of body size and patient preferences and requirements arising from the nature and location of schorz in dermatological, constructed of knitted flax,alternatively, mixed with elastane and \/ or with woven fabrics of cotton, organic wybarwionych in bath containing natural colouring dye derived from plants barwierskich and surface activated plasma low-temperature argonowej, oxygen, azotowej, air or carbon dioxide on the surface of the skin which kontaktuj\u0105cej patientin places adjacent to skin changes are attached, by means of polymer microspheres binding, as poly - l -, d laktyd, ethyl cellulose, calcium alginate, or a copolymer laktydu and glikolidu, containing the same or different active substances or a mixture of the and active in the form of alcoholic extracts of herbs, such as pansy \/ heartsease, green tea, nettle,chamomile, marigold doctor, selected depending on the type of patient. the measure przymocowuj\u0105cy microspheres is a polymer or one of the polymers constituting the matrix microspheres or other biodegradable polymer not limiting kinetics of release of the active substance.Odzież działająca jako suplement opatrunku w terapii chorób dermatologicznych, wykonana z tkaniny lub dzianiny z włókien naturalnych, wykończonej bez udziału substancji chemicznych szkodliwych dla zdrowia człowieka, zawierająca mikrosfery z polimeru rozpuszczalnego w zetknięciu z ciałem człowieka, wypełnione substancją czynną, zlokalizowane w niej kompatybilnie pod względem umiejscowi