Gegenstand der Erfindung ist ein Arzneimittel umfassend ein Extrakt hergestellt durch Extraktion der Blätter von Rhus copallina mit einem Gemisch aus Alkohol und Wasser.Drug comprises an extract produced by extracting the leaves of Rhus copallina with a mixture of alcohol and water. Independent claims are also included for: (i) tannin containing ointment, juice, lotion or suppository, comprising extract from Rhus copallina, and optionally further auxiliaries and additives, (ii) producing extract from Rhus copallina, comprising cleaning and grinding the leaves of Rhus copallina, and extracting with the mixture of water and alcohol, preferably ethanol, preferably the mixture having 40% alcohol, preferably >;= 60-80% alcohol, and (iii) the extract from Rhus copallina produced by the above method. ACTIVITY : Antidiarrheic; Antipruritic; Dermatological; Muscular-Gen; Antiflatulent; Laxative; Antiinflammatory; Antiulcer; Gastrointestinal-Gen; Vasotropic; Cytostatic; Antibacterial; Anabolic. No biological data given. MECHANISM OF ACTION : None given.