FUSED pyrimidines Compounds, inhibitors of p97 Complex; Pharmaceutical Composition and a method of decreasing the activity of valosin containing protein or degradation of a substrate to the Proteasome System.
Fused pyrimidine compounds having a saturated, unsaturated or aromatic A ring fused to a pyrimidine ring and having a complex substituents at the 2 position and a substituted amine at the 4 position of the pyrimidine ring as well as optional aliphatic, functional and/or aromatic components substituted at other positions of the pyrimidine ring and A ring are disclosed. These compounds are inhibitors of the AAA proteasome complex containing p97 and are effective medicinal agents for treatment of diseases associated with p97 bioactivity such as cancer.<;p>;COMPUESTOS DERIVADOS DE PIRIMIDINAS FUSIONADAS, INHIBIDORES DEL COMPLEJO P97; COMPOSICIONES FARMACOLÓ;GICAS Y SUS USOS; Ú;TILES EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE AFECCIONES RELACIONADAS A YUNA DISMINUCIÓ;N DE LA ACTIVIDAD DE PROTEÍ;NA QUE CONTIENE VALOSIN O PARA REDUCIR LA DEGRADACIÓ;N DE UN SUSTRATO DEL SISTEMA PROTEOSOMA.<;/p>;