Yi Seed Deng From Guang Touch Mei Negative From sky Gas deodorizations, Kill Jun Installed are set, pipeline is sent including empty Gas Lose, the main Office reason devices of photocatalysis and active carbon Kong Gas Over Filter devices, Gas Body Lose enter sky Gas Lose and send pipeline Inner, empty Gas Lose send pipeline Inner Let You Negative From Installed to set, Gas Body Tong Over sky Gas Lose send pipeline Lose to enter to the main Office reasons device Inner of photocatalysis, the main Office reasons device Inner Let of photocatalysis are the free channels Gas, the empty channels Gas Inner An Installed have the ultraviolet Line light pipes of a Ge or more, ultraviolet Line light pipes Hou end Gu, which Dings An Installed, titanium dioxide Titanium Guang Cuiization Touch plates, the empty channels Gas Wei Duan With active carbon Kong Gas Over Filter Qi Even are logical, Tong Over active carbon Kong Gas Over Filter device Will Gas Body Lose go out. This Real makees centralized collection Office reasons with the empty Gas that the novel Kitchen rubbish Office that can eat with Right manages Iso tastes and whole Ge works Games that Over Cheng Zhongge Ge workshop sections are overflowed, efficiently Destroy removes harmful microorganism to Kong Gas Jin Hang Chi Continued collected by Right, Kill Destroy Fine bacterium, virus, Gas Body No tastes No Jun , No Gu Body particles , No venomous injurants and pure and fresh Qian Net is discharged in Iso Wei Ci Time in degradation sky Gas.一種等離子光觸媒負離子空氣除臭、殺菌裝置,包括空氣輸送管道、光催化主處理器和活性炭空氣過濾器,氣體輸入空氣輸送管道內,空氣輸送管道內設有負離子裝置,氣體通過空氣輸送管道輸入至光催化主處理器內,光催化主處理器內設有空氣通道,空氣通道內安裝有一個以上的紫外線光管,紫外線光管後端固定安裝有二氧化鈦光催化觸板,空氣通道尾端與活性炭空氣過濾器連通,通過活性炭空氣過濾器將氣體輸出。本實用新型可以對餐廚垃圾處理過程中各個工段所溢出的異味以及整個工場的空氣作集中收集處理,對所收集的空氣進行持續高效地滅除有害微生物,殺滅細菌,病毒,降解空氣中的異味此時所排出的氣體無味,無菌,無固體微粒,無有毒有害物且清新乾淨。