1. The catheter is formed as an indwelling catheter for drug therapy and physical functional disorders and diseases of the bladder and the prostate, wherein said diseases and disorders of the bladder and prostate occur in conjunction with or after radiotherapy for prostate carcinoma, wherein the catheter a catheter tube and a distal connector of the catheter, thus, a first channel to drain urine, extending from the distal catheter connector, at least one outlet opening in the proximal end of the catheter tube, wherein is provided a second channel for drug delivery in the treatment of urinary bubble extending from distal catheter connector to replenish the cylinder to the bladder in the proximal end of the catheter tube, while the balloon to the bladder is adapted to placing in the bladder after the catheter, wherein the balloon to the bladder has a permeable wall for delivering drug substance thus provided a third channel for drug delivery in the treatment of prostate extending from the distal catheter connector to replenish the cylinder for prostate in the proximal end of the catheter tube, with a balloon for prostate arranged to accommodate in the prostate being filled, with the balloon for prostate is permeable wall for delivering drug veschestva.2. Catheter according to Claim. 1, in which the gap between the balloon and the balloon for prostate for bladder is at least 0.5 seet3. cat1. Катетер, выполненный в виде постоянного катетера, для лекарственной и физической терапии функциональных расстройств и заболеваний мочевого пузыря и простаты, при этом упомянутые расстройства и заболевания мочевого пузыря и простаты возникают в сочетании с проведением или после проведения радиотерапии при карциноме простатыпри этом катетер имеет катетерную трубку и дистальный соединитель катетерапри этом предусмотрен первый канал для отвода мочи, продолжающийся от дистального соединителя катетера, по меньшей мере, к одному выходному отверстию в области проксимального конца катетерн