the invention relates to a system (1) comprising: a sphygmomanometeran inflatable cuff (2) adapted to be placed on the member of a patient comprising an inflatable bag (25).a head (3) associated with the inflation tube, a flexible cord (4) to ensure that the inflation of the cuff (2).a pressure gauge for measuring the blood pressure, which pressure is to be associated with the inflation bulb (3) to form a little pear (pm) is associated directly to the cuff (2) to form an absorption band (mb)with connecting means adapted for interchangeable, the configuration of the system (1), which connecting means are in the form of tips, male (51, 71) and openings (6) of the female type rapid assembly, which are located such that the weld is suitable for:on the one hand, a direct link between the absorption face (mp) and the cuff (2), a gauge (5) is connected to the inflator bulb (3) to form the mano - pear (pm).and, on the other hand, a direct link between the inflation bulb (3) and the pressure gauge (5) when the pressure gauge is connected to the cuff (2) to form the absorption band (mb).Linvention concerne un système de sphygmomanomètre (1) comprenant:- un brassard gonflable (2) adapté pour être placé sur le membre dun patient comportant une poche gonflable (25),- une poire de gonflage (3) associée à un cordon tubulaire souple (4) pour assurer le gonflage du brassard (2),- un manomètre pour mesurer la pression artérielle, lequel manomètre est soit associé à la poire de gonflage (3) pour former un mano-poire (MP), soit associé directement au brassard (2) pour former un mano-brassard (MB),avec des moyens de connexion adaptés pour rendre interchangeable la configuration du système (1), lesquels moyens de connexion sont constitués daménagements en forme dembouts mâles (51, 71) et orifices femelles (6), du type assemblage rapide, qui sont répartis de sorte que ledit cordon soit adapté pour assurer:- dune part, une liaison directe entre le mano-poire (MP) et le brassard (2), lorsqu