The subject of this invention is the construction of lightweight, two-colony beehives and containers suitable for their transportation by trailers. Parts of the beehive include the framework, the short (4a) and long (4b) side-walls, the underlaid (1), the rectangular frames (3) which are being suspended in gouges carved into the front and the back walls, the 'frame- cover with a boosting spacer (6)' which holds the hive roofing (8) and (in this particular invention) a queen excluder. A specification of this beehive is the removable separator wall (2) in the middle of the hive which has a colony-unification window (5). The size of the frames (3) is half the size of the commonly used frames, and the frames (3) are parallel to the entrance (10) which is located on front wall of the structure. The frames (3) are being suspended in gouges amongst the short side walls (4a), the entrance (10) is supplied with a folding landing-plank (9). There are venting holes (12) on the walls of the hive to ensure proper airflow, the main frame and the separator (2) are built with lightweight architecture, and the underlaid (1) is constructed in a way to allow quick cleaning and easy honey extraction. The container's grid-like structure chassis (13) is narrower than the width of the structure and it is built to meet the requirements of being suitable for transportation by smaller trailers. The top frame (14) is made of fine wire mesh. Between the chassis (13) and the top frame (14) are the storage compartments (16) which are designed to hold the beehives and they yield easy access for cleaning and for the extraction of the honey. The legs (17) of the containers are intended to hold the hives in place and they are designed to be gradually expandable to achieve stability and elevation.