The invention relates to the use of a pharmaceutical composition for the localtreatmentor prevention of a tissue infection at an infection site, the pharmaceuticalcompositioncomprising at least two different antibiotics of group A or pharmaceuticallyacceptablederivatives thereof, or an antibiotic of group A and at least one antibioticof group B orpharmaceutically acceptable derivatives thereof. Group A comprises primarilyintracellular active antibiotics working as inhibitor of bacterial RNApolymerase asinhibitor of gyrase or as inhibitor of bacterial protein synthesis. Group Bcomprisesprimarily extracellular active antibiotics working as inhibitor of bacterialcell wallsynthesis or inhibitor of bacterial protein synthesis or by directdestabilisation orrupture of the bacterial cell wall.The invention further relates to a pharmaceutical composition for treatment ofextracellular and/or intracellular microbial infected cells and/or for theprevention ofmicrobial cell infections comprising at least one antibiotic acting as aninhibitor ofbacterial RNA polymerase and/or at least one antibiotic affecting thebacterial cell wallor its synthesis, and a substrate carrying a pharmaceutical composition.The invention also relates to the use of a combination of at least oneantibiotic acting asan inhibitor of bacterial RNA polymerase and at least one antibiotic affectingthebacterial cell wall or its synthesis as anti-adhesive against microorganismson surfaces.