FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, in particular to dentistry, and can be used for treatment of destructive forms of apical chronic and exacerbated chronic periodontitis of single-rooted and multirooted teeth. For this purpose preparation of carious cavity, opening of tooth cavity, access to root canals, extension of their orifice, ablation of disintegrated pulp, purification of tooth root canals, their processing with medications, wide opening of apical tooth hole, behind which focus of periapical inflammation is located, mechanical and drug removal of periapical pathological exudative formations in focus of periapical inflammation through root canal. Before filling canal with filling material, in focus of periapical destruction mixture, which contains 3.0 g of polyoxidonium and 1.0 g of kaolin, diluted with distilled water to paste-like consistency with ratio 3:1, is introduced into focus of periapical destruction until it is completely filled. Additionally sublingually introduced is polyoxidonium in dose 12 mg 2 times per day during 10-12 days.EFFECT: method ensures acceleration of bone tissue regeneration, as well as achievement of stable remission due to local and systemic immunomodulating impact, prevents sensitisation of inflammation focus and organism on the whole and side effect of traditional treatment, including antibiotics.1 exИзобретение относится к медицине, в частности к стоматологии, и может быть использовано для лечения деструктивных форм верхушечного хронического и обострившегося хронического верхушечного периодонтита однокорневых и многокорневых зубов. Для этого проводят препарирование кариозной полости, раскрытие полости зуба, доступ к корневым каналам, расширение их устья, удаление распавшейся пульпы, очищение корневых каналов зуба, обработку их медикаментозными препаратами, широкое раскрытие верхушечного отверстия зуба, за которым расположен очаг периапикального воспаления, механическое и медикаментозное удаление околовер