BRAVO, Yalda Mostofi,CHEN, Austin Chih-yu,TRUONG, Yen,STOCK, Nicholas Simon,JACINTHO, Jason Duarte
The present Invention relates to compounds of formula I or a pharmaceutically acceptable salts of the same, where R1 and R2 are each 6 - C1 - CH3 or optionally substituted by alkyl or Halogen, R1 and R2 are together - 6 pp. ISBN cycloalkyl optionally substituted by Halogen, alkyl and C1 - 6 - Cf3 R3 is an optionally substituted aryl, heteroaryl, among others R4 is a heteroaryl,- C1 - 2alquilo - optionally substituted aryl, among others. Preferred compounds are: Acid 2 - (4 - (3 - (1 - (4 - (Tert Butyl) benzyl) - 4.4 - dimethyl - 5 - oxo 4,5-dihydro - 1H pyrazole - 3 - il) propyl) phenoxy) - 2 - metilpropanoico 2 - (4 - (3 - (1 - (4 - (Tert Butyl) benzyl) - 4.4 - dimethyl - 5 - oxo 4,5-dihydro - 1H pyrazole - 3 - il) propyl) phenoxy) - 2 - methyl - N - (phenylsulfonyl) propanamide, among others.It also relates to a Composition and a method of treatment. These compounds act as antagonists Selective peroxisome proliferator activated receptor a (pparalpha) being useful in the treatment of Prostate Cancer, Breast, among others, and Viral Infections such as HIV and HCVLa presente invencion se refiere a compuestos de la formula I o sales farmaceuticamente aceptables de los mismos, donde: R1 y R2 son cada uno -C1-6 alquilo o CH3 opcionalmente sustituidos por halogeno o R1 y R2 forman juntos -C3-6 cicloalquilo opcionalmente sustituido por halogeno, C1-6 alquilo y -CF3 R3 es un arilo, heteroarilo opcionalmente sustituido, entre otros R4 es un heteroarilo, -C1-2alquilo-arilo, opcionalmente sustituido, entre otros. Son compuestos preferidos: acido 2-(4-(3-(1-(4-(ter-butil)bencil)-4,4-dimetil-5-oxo-4,5-dihidro-1H-pirazol-3-il)propil)fenoxi)-2-metilpropanoico 2-(4-(3-(1-(4-(ter-butil)bencil)-4,4-dimetil-5-oxo-4,5-dihidro-1H-pirazol-3-il)propil)fenoxi)-2-metil-N-(fenilsulfonil)propanamida, entre otros. Tambien se refiere a una composicion y un metodo de tratamiento. Dichos compuestos actuan como antagonistas selectivos del peroxisoma proliferador activado del receptor a (PPARalfa)