The invention relates to certain novel compounds of Formula (I) and methods for preparing these compounds, compositions, intermediates and derivatives thereof and for the treatment of prokineticin 1 or prokinetin 1 receptor mediated disorders, and the action of PK1 peptide to in-vitro transfer of intestinal mucosa ion. The accumulated concentration-reaction curve is generated by the short-circuit current(Isc) reacting with the PK1 peptide which is fixed in the Ussing type ionic flux chamber and exposed to PK1 in the rat ileum organization. The change of Isc, being expressed as delta Isc, is reported as the difference between the original baseline Isc value and the peak Isc reaction in predetermined concentration, measured by microamp converted into the surface area(calculated in cm<2>) of the organization fixed in the Ussing type chamber. The EC50 value of reaction curve is computed according to the following method.