Two reservoirs each comprising a separate aerosol generating composition, means for aspirating the composition from the reservoir and generating an aerosol for inhalation by a user, and from each reservoir An aerosol generating apparatus comprising: mixing means for mixing each of the sucked compositions, wherein the mixing means is configured such that a user can select a relative ratio of these two kinds of compositions in the aerosol. [Selection] Figure 1各々別のエアロゾル生成組成物を含んで構成される2個の貯液槽と、前記貯液槽から前記組成物を吸引し、ユーザーが吸入するエアロゾルを発生させる手段と、前記各貯液槽から吸引された前記各組成物を混合する混合手段であって、エアロゾル中のこれら2種類の組成物の相対比率をユーザーが選択できる如く構成される混合手段と、を備えるエアロゾル発生装置。【選択図】図1