ЭЛЛЕФСОН Кимберли Л. (US),ДАУНЗ Кимберли М. (US),ШМОКЕР Сьюзанн М. (US)
1. Body panel for a pre-fastened disposable absorbent controlled object underwear-type diaper comprising: - a. a first side portion, second side portion and a middle portion, the front panel of the housing is completely separated between the first side portion and the middle portion, and the front panel of the housing is completely separated between the second side portion and the middle portion - b. a first coupling member coupled to the first side part and the middle part, wherein the first coupling member connected to the first side portion or the middle part is detachably, u c. a second coupling member connected with the second lateral part and the middle part, wherein the second coupling member connected to the second side portion or the middle part, with otsoedineniya.2. body panel according to Claim. 1, wherein the first side portion and the middle portion of the front panel does not overlap, and the second side portion and the middle portion of the front body panel perekryvayutsya.3. body panel according to Claim. 1, wherein between said first side part and the middle part of the front panel in a pre-fastened position has a first gap and between said second side part and the middle part of the front panel in a pre-fastened position have a second zazor.4. body panel according to Claim. 1, wherein the rear edge of the first side portion abuts against a first edge portion of the middle front of the housing in a pre-fastened position, and the rear edge of the second side portion abuts against a second edge of the middle part of the front panel in a pre-fastened polozhenii.5. housing panel1. Панель корпуса для предварительно застегнутого регулируемого одноразового адсорбирующего предмета нижнего белья типа трусов, содержащего:- а. первую боковую часть, вторую боковую часть и среднюю часть, причем передняя панель корпуса является полностью отделяемой между первой боковой частью и средней частью, и передняя панель корпуса является полностью отделяемой между второй