FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: pathologically changed and scar tissues are incised. A bloodless blepharorrhaphy is performed. A grafting region is marked in the donor region. The above area represents a foreskin in males and a periareolary region in females. A sterile non-woven plaster with a protective paper is applied with its absorbing side facing an eyelid defect. A pattern is cut out of the absorbing side of the plaster along a sanioserous imprint of the defect region. That is followed by a hydrodissection in the donor region with physiological solution, or an anaesthetic is administered. The protective paper is removed from an adhesive side of the pattern. The pattern is attached to the donor region and aligned taking into account natural skin folds. The donor graft is marked. The pattern is unglued from the donor region. The skin is dissected along the outline. A free skin flap is separated. This flap is transferred onto the eyelid defect taking into account natural skin folds surrounding the defect. The flap is fixed to defect edges with interrupted sutures. That is followed by fixing the skin flap in the entire area to underlying and surrounding tissues with interrupted sutures covering the surrounding regions. The sutures pass through holes of hexagonal compression plates. The donor wound is sutured. The primary and donor wounds are dressed up. The stitches are taken out from the donor wound on the 5-7th day the stitches and plates are taken out from the primary wound by steps on the 3rd-8th postoperative day.EFFECT: possibility to cut out the free skin flap having the area and configuration identical to the defect and the thickness and structure adequate to the replaced skin with no substantial damages of the donor region.2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к офтальмологии и пластической хирургии, и может быть использовано для хирургического замещения множественных, тотальных и обширных кожных дефектов век, распространяющихся на окружающие зоны лиц