This invention includes a novel aad-12 transformation event for herbicide tolerance in soybean plants - referred to herein as pDAB4468-0416. This invention includes a heterologous polynucleotide inserted into a specific site within the genome of a soybean cell. In some embodiments, said event / polynucleotide can be "stacked" with other traits, including, for example, other herbicide tolerance gene(s) and/or insect-inhibitory proteins. Additionally, the subject invention provides assays for detecting the presence of the subject event in a sample (a soybean, for example). The assays can be based on the DNA sequence of the recombinant construct, inserted into the soybean genome, and on the genomic sequences flanking the insertion site. Kits and conditions useful in conducting the assays are also provided.Винахід належить до події pDAB4468-0416 трансформації гена aad-12 з метою набуття рослинами сої стійкості до гербіцидів. Винахід належить до гетерологічного полінуклеотиду, введеного в певний сайт геному клітини сої.