Verwendung von Lanolin oder Wollwachs zur Herstellung kosmetischer und/oder dermatologischer Produkte, wobei das Lanolin oder Wollwachs einen gegenüber dem natürlichen Anteil erhöhten Anteil an Wollwachssäuren aufweist.Use of lanolin or woolwax comprising a proportion of wool wax acids increased in relation to natural proportion, for producing cosmetic and/or dermatological products, is claimed. Independent claims are included for: (1) preparation comprising, in addition to lanolin and/or woolwax, other components (2) woolwax- or lanolin product and (3) producing the lanolin or woolwax comprising the proportion of wool wax acids increased in relation to natural proportion, where the proportional increase takes place by concentration. ACTIVITY : Dermatological. MECHANISM OF ACTION : None given.