1. A method for planning intervention procedure in a lumen in the body, comprising the steps of: CT scanning is performed in the body lumen create a virtual rendering interior of the body lumen corresponding to the image with invasive chamber iproetsiruyut on the wall of the body lumen in a virtual tape corresponding to the planned path for vmeshatelstva.2 procedure. A method according to Claim. 1, wherein a virtual tape projecting from the center line of the planned path of the wall of the lumen at each point along the planned path orthogonally local path at a constant angle skhodimosti.3. A method according to Claim. 1, wherein a virtual tape depict a translucent overlay in order to make possible an assessment of the lumen wall to be organizme.4. A method according to Claim. 1, wherein a virtual tape projecting in a predetermined direction in order to provide an indication of virtual vizualizatsii.5 orientation. A method according to Claim. 1 in which two virtual tape portrayed on the wall of the lumen in the body, one in the ventral direction and the other in the dorsal direction, and virtual tapes are color-coded to indicate their respective napravleniya.6. A method according to Claim. 1, wherein the body lumen is a tracheobronchial airways puti.7. A method according to Claim. 1, wherein the body lumen is a colon kishku.8. procedures for planning intervention system in the body lumen, comprising: a processor a memory operatively coupled to the processor idispley operably coupled to the processor and a memory1. Способ планирования процедуры вмешательства в просвет в организме, включающий в себя этапы, на которых:осуществляют CT сканирование просвета в организмесоздают виртуальную визуализацию внутренней части просвета в организме, соответствующей изображению с инвазивной камеры ипроецируют на стенку просвета в организме виртуальную ленту, соответствующую запланированному пути для процедуры вмешательства.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором виртуальную ленту проецируют от