FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, pediatrics and includes performing gymnastic exercises in water in form of individual or small-group trainings not less than 3 times per week, for 45-50 min. Before water procedures child is massaged in apartment at 24-26°C. Then, in position on back rising of head is performed until chin touches chest and lowering head on the surface, 10-20 times. Circular movements of childs head in each side are performed 5-10 times. On one-two counts abducting movements with head are performed 5-10 times in each direction. Child is embraced under the back of the head and grabbed by ankles and bending and unbending movements on four counts are performed, with three short bending movements and one complete unbending one for 1.5-3 month old child 10-15 movements are performed, for 3-5 month old one - 15-20 movements. With one hand being placed in such a way as to embrace child under head including part of back, and the other pressing childs knees to the surface, lifting childs body on one-two counts is performed 10-15 times. With placement of one hand in such a way, that child is embraced under head including part of back, childs body is lifted and circular movements are performed with it in one and another side 5-10 times. Child is brought into water with temperature 35-36°C and for not less than minute is held by chin, with child performing movements with arms and legs on their own after which, circular rotational movements are performed with arms frontward, 10-15 times for each. Hitting movements with childs legs are performed 10-15 times for each. With child embraced under the back of the head with one hand, and by ankles with the other, on four counts bending movements are performed 10-15 times, with childs face held on the surface of water. Sliding on "figure of eight" with vertical rocking of child is performed 8-10 times. After that, the same exercise is performed in position on stomach. Course includes not fewer tha