FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: inventions group relates to a method for preparation of a granulated confectionary product and a modular system for such method implementation that may be used during manufacture of cores and pastilles. The method consists in usage of a system containing a centrifugal milling module and a centrifugal granulating module, positioned in a cascade; each module contains an elongated cylindrical housing, an inlet for products to be treated,, an outlet for the product treated and a driving rotary shaft equipped with a spiral row of identical radial pins, each of them having a constant cross section along the whole length and a straight generatrix. The pins are connected to the shaft in a releasable way and are positioned between the inlet and the outlet; the distance from the free ends of the pins of the granulating module to the corresponding housing exceeds that from the free ends of the pins of the milling module to the corresponding housing. The method includes the stages of the centrifugal milling module charging with at least some of the granulated product ingredients, the ingredients milling by way of the shaft rotation at the first speed for rotation of the said ingredients on the inner surface of the said housing so that to form the first thickness tubular layer of the material, the said ingredients removal from the said centrifugal milling module, supply of the said ingredients into the centrifugal granulating module, the said ingredients moistening by way of supply of at least water solution into the centrifugal granulating module for a moist mixture formation and the moist mixture granulation by way of heating the centrifugal granulating module, rotation of the shaft of the centrifugal granulating module at the second speed and rotation of the moist mixture on the inner surface of the centrifugal granulating module to form the second thickness tubular layer of the granulating material, the second thickness exceeding the first one