The present invention relates to a device and method for sealing, cutting and pattern pinching at the end of baozi. The pattern pinching tool in the present invention can be used to effectively realize the complete sealing, cutting and pinching 18 petal lines at both ends of the formed baozi. The 18 petal lines of baozi pinched by using the present invention can enhance the appearance of baozi and significantly break through the number of petal lines, and also the baozi formed by using the present invention will not have the phenomenon of the stuffing flowing out occurred due to expansion during steaming process to enhance the appearance of baozi. The present invention may be cooperated with stuffing machine or pattern pinching machine to be used in combination to achieve the advantages of saving the labor and enhancing the economic benefits.本發明涉及一種能將包子端部封閉、切斷及揑出花紋的裝置及方法,利用本發明中的揑花刀具能有效實現對成形包子兩端的完整封閉、切斷及揑出18花瓣紋路,利用本發明揑出包子18花瓣紋路不僅提高了包子的美觀性,其花瓣紋路數量較以往大大突破,同時利用本發明制成的成形包子不會出現餡料在蒸熟過程中膨脹流出的現象,提高了包子的美觀性,通過將本發明配合包餡機或揑花機組合使用能達到節省人力資源、提高經濟效益的優點。1‧‧‧包餡機12‧‧‧頂尾裝置13‧‧‧輸送座131‧‧‧輸送皮帶21‧‧‧揑花切斷裝置A‧‧‧成品包子A1‧‧‧外包料A2‧‧‧內包料