The present invention relates to a method of forming ornamental trees by pruning and attraction of tree branches, and more particularly, through pruning and attraction of branches forming Kageki, rises again from being pushed into the snow, again viewing to be pushed and use trees, and ornamental trees tenacious life force to stem that is attached barely been struck by lightning grow up in new forms and acts, ornamental and trees to break in the wind while grew up against the wind, as the wind blows and to overcome and ornamental trees grow while adapting, and ornamental trees to extend the branch that was hanging infinitely toward the space on the cliff to build your own area, an environment that was given on the bedrock to grow ornamental and use trees, and ornamental trees grow by connecting life in the steep location of the landslide, which was stopped from a centralized been swept away in heavy rain, and ornamental trees grow by molting from the cramped space to compete with each other, in a state in which it is hanging by It relates to a method for forming ornamental trees by pruning of the branches of the tree and attractants for forming the ornamental trees grow.BACKGROUND.本発明は、木の枝の剪定及び誘引による観賞用樹木の形成方法に関し、より詳細には、造景樹の枝の剪定及び誘引を通じて、雪に押されてから再び上昇し、再び押される観賞用樹木と、雷に打たれて辛うじて付いている茎に粘り強い生命力が作用して新たな形態に育つ観賞用樹木と、風に逆らって育ちながらその風で折れる観賞用樹木と、風が吹く通りに順応しながら育つ観賞用樹木と、崖上で空間に向かって限りなく垂れた枝を伸ばして自分だけの領域を構築する観賞用樹木と、岩盤上で与えられた環境を克服して育つ観賞用樹木と、急な集中豪雨に押し流されてから止まった土砂崩れの場所で生命をつないで育つ観賞用樹木と、互いに競争する狭苦しい空間から脱皮して育つ観賞用樹木と、暴雪によって垂れた状態で育つ観賞用樹木を形成するための木の枝の剪定及び誘引による観賞用樹木の形成方法に関する。【選択図】図1