A blood container comprising an external enclosure (2) which is provided internally with a filtering wall (3), which divides the space delimited by the enclosure into a portion (4) that is comprised between the enclosure (2) and the wall (3) and is provided with a connector (5) for the outflow of the blood, and a portion that is comprised within the wall and is provided with a partition (6) into two substantially consecutive fractions (7a, 7b), an overlying fraction (7a) and an underlying fraction (7b), which are delimited by corresponding separate sections (3a, 3b) of the wall (3), within the overlying fraction (7a) a duct (9) being provided for conveying to the underlying fraction (7b) blood received at its upper end (9a) from an inlet connector (10) which enters the port that is open at the end at the central region, whereas the peripheral region is open onto the overlying fraction (7a).