КУ Винсент,БИТЕЛЬ Роберт Дж.,ВУ Эндрю,ЗАРИНС Дэнис,ЭБОЙТЭС Мария Дж.
1. The catheter apparatus, comprising: - an elongate, flexible tubular element extending along a longitudinal axis, wherein the elongate tubular member has a proximal portion, a distal portion and a central cavity, and wherein the tubular member comprises: - a bend portion at the distal portion where the bending portion comprises a plurality of slits in the wall of the tubular member and is substantially transverse to the longitudinal axis u alignment portion near the bending portion and bending portion between the distal and proximal end of the elongated tubular member, wherein the orientation section comprises a plurality of slits in the wall of the tubular member and raspoloagaetsya substantially transversely to the longitudinal axis, - wherein the tubular member is transformed selectively between: - a first state in which the bending portion is generally straight along the longitudinal axis and- a second state in which the bending portion has a generally helical structure and orienting section has a bent shape so that the distal end of the proximal portion of the tubular element is guided through the inside of the spiral, - a plurality of elements, delivering energy, mounted on the bending portion, and comprising at least a first element that delivers energy and a second member that delivers power, wherein when the tubular member is in the second state, the first and second elements, delivering energy ax cial and radially separated from one another about the longitudinal axis u control element operatively connected to the tubular member to control movement of the flexible tubular member between the first state and the second comprising1. Катетерный аппарат, содержащий:- удлиненный, гибкий трубчатый элемент, проходящий вдоль продольной оси, где удлиненный трубчатый элемент имеет проксимальную часть, дистальную часть и центральную полость, и где трубчатый элемент включает:- участок изгиба на дистальной части, где участок изгиба содержит множество прорезей в стенке