The invention is aimed at creating an absorbent article providing the discharge of evaporations from the article for alleviating dampness feeling experienced otherwise by the article user. The present invention provides an absorbent article, comprising belt members 4, forming correspondingly a front belt region 1 and a rear belt region 2, and a moisture absorption structure 5, which forms an intermediate region 3, wherein the belt members 4 have elastic elements 18, surrounding the waist and causing shrinking said belt members 4 in the circumferential direction R. The moisture absorption structure 5 has a first edge 24 and a second edge 25, wherein the outer surface of the first edge 24 overlaps the inner surface of the front belt region 6, forming a first overlapping region 26, and the outer surface of the second edge 25 overlaps the inner surface of the rear belt region 7, forming a second overlapping region 27. The moisture absorption structure 5 is bonded to the front and rear belt regions 6 and 7 in the first and second overlapping regions 26 and 27 by butt regions 32 extending in the vertical direction Z and arranged in spaces in the circumferential direction R. First joinless regions 45 formed between each pair of the adjacent butt regions 32 form ventilation passages 34 and 35, which provide the intermediate region 3 to cooperate with the front and rear belt regions 1 and 2.Задачей настоящего изобретения является создание абсорбирующего изделия, обеспечивающего вывод количества испарений, образующегося в изделии, наружу для смягчения ощущения сырости, испытываемого в противном случае пользователем изделия. В настоящем изобретении предложено абсорбирующее изделие, содержащее поясные элементы 4, образующие соответственно переднюю поясную область 1 и заднюю поясную область 2, и влагопоглощающую структуру 5, образующую промежностную область 3, причем поясные элементы 4 оснащены эластичными элементами 18, окружающими талию и вызывающими сокращение указанных поясн