The present invention relates to a method in the field of shellfish breeding techniques, for breeding a scallop population that have improved carotenoid content in the orange-red adductor muscles or other muscle tissues. This method includes the steps of selecting the rare individuals that have orange-red adductor muscles from natural scallop populations, growing the selected scallops, inducing the reproduction, artificially fertilization, and finally breeding a scallop population with orange-red adductor muscles which can be expanded for the cultivation on a large scale. Comparing to other known breeding methods, the present method does not use transgenic technologies to include introduce any exogenous genes, thus does not have any bio-safety and ethics issues. All the mutant scallops with orange-red adductor muscles are selected from natural or cultivated populations. After breeding for four generations, the obtained scallops have abundant carotenoid ingredients in their orange-red adductor muscles. The obtained scallop population is genetically stable and has high survival rate, and it thus can be used for cultivation on a large scale. In summary, this breeding method is simple, low cost and the breeding scallop population has high economic and nutritious values.本発明は海洋貝類水産物の養殖分野に属し、貝柱又は閉殻筋組織にカロチノイドを含有するオレンジ色の閉殻筋ホタテ貝の養殖方法に関し、天然群生体中での極めて少ないオレンジ色の閉殻筋ホタテ貝を用いて、幼苗の選択、繁殖、産卵と射精の促進、授精及び養殖などのステップを経て、栄養価値を有するオレンジの閉殻筋ホタテ貝を養殖し、且つ広い範囲で養殖を実現した。従来技術に比べて、遺伝子組み換え生物などの複雑な技術により外源の遺伝子を導入せず、生物及び環境安全に影響を及ぼさない前提で、天然群生体と人工養殖群生体に発見されたホタテ貝の突然変異体を用いて、四世代の選抜育種を経て、安定な遺伝子を有するカロチノイドを豊富に含有するオレンジ色の閉殻筋ホタテ貝を養殖し、安定で優れた養殖の新品種が形成され、その養殖原理は適切に実行でき、プロセスのステップが簡単で、コストが低く、幼苗の生存率が高く、養殖の収益が大きく、水産物の栄養価値がさらに高くなり、経済効果が顕著である。【選択図】なし